I spent the weekend taking my SU stamps off the wood blocks and putting them on ezmount. I am putting them in the new SU cases. I love them. They are just the right size and they takes up so much less space. I like them better than the hard CD case. I filled 16 cases this weekend and I have about 25 sets to go. Now what to do with all those wood blocks? Well when I was at the Madison Mingle I saw a great idea to use five of these lovely wood blocks. That is just what I did to make this tape runner stand. I had to get some help from a friend with dry wall screws. It really is a handy little stand.
The tape runner I got at a garage sale for $10. I really like it but I need to be more careful. I let it get gummed up and it stopped moving until I figured out what was wrong. A roll of tape last a long time. And I feel like I am being green not throwing way all those little plastic tape cases.
Have you taken your stamp off of the wood block? What did you do with all the wood blocks? I am looking for more idea. If you have any suggestion please leave a comment.
Thanks for stopping,

Thanks for playing along at Unscripted great card.
Linda this is a brilliant idea, the wooden stamps do take up so much room
hugs Mandy xx
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