I am also celebrating my retirement. I will be retiring at the end of the school year after 30 years of teaching. I sure hope I am doing the right thing. I know I will miss my little friends. The drive is getting to me and the retirement package is still intact so I am going for it. Now for the future, I hop
With that said I am offering some candy. I only wish I had more candy to give away to show how much I appreciate all of you. If you are interested in my blog candy I need you to do three things:
1.) Please leave a comment telling me what you do or would do if you were retired.
2.) Become a follower
3.) If you have a blog I would appreciate it if you would post a link to my blog. This will help get to 100 followers.
When I get 100 followers I will have a drawing for one more stamp sets. The first drawing will be on April 24Th. The candy is a Stampin Up Scallop Trim Border Punch, and the Good Neighbors Stamp set from the SU Celebrations Catalog. The second drawing will be when I reach 100 followers and the candy will be the Whimsical Words Clear Mount Stamp Set also from SU Celebrations Catalog. All of your names will be in both drawings. How does that sound? Please get the word out.
Thanks for stopping and good luck!

oh my word! has it been a year already????? where has the time gone?
and woooooooo hoooooooo on retirement! i love it! i wouldn't trade it for the world! best thing i ever did! and the best thing i find about it..... besides getting to do everything i want.... i don't have to get up and think... "what the heck am i going to wear today!".
hugs & tons of happiness!
Hi Linda,
Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment!! You are retiring, wow! I'll bet it has felt like a quick career, I find everyday in the classroom zooms by! I only have 7 years in but I can't believe it has been 7 years!
I am going to look through your cards, congrats on the one year blog anniversary! That is awesome!
All the best!
Lesley ;)
Congratulations Linda on both retirement and your blog anniversary!
When I had my store, I used to have lots of retired teachers come in for classes, so you will have some extra time for that now : )
I thought I was already following you, but duh...so I am now!
While I am thinking of it, we have a new group started over at StampTV for the Play Date Cafe..I would love if you would come and help get the party started!
Congrats again!
Congratulations on the Anniversary !
I understand the reluctance about retiring...it is such a part of you.
I bet you can find somewhere in your area to teach crafting classes. Even a retirement home or a youth group.
It will keep you busy and active and share your skills.
The candy looks yummy so I will post on my blog. You know I am a follower already.
Congratulations!! I don't like to write either, but I love the outlet that my blog gives me to just think out loud.
Bless you for being a teacher! Teachers hold a special place in my heart.
I think when I retire I will definitely need to keep myself occupied and definitely something with crafting. Maybe volunteering for schools, like in the art department or something. And enjoy life and read all those books I have on my list. Travel! Definitely travel.
Hi Linda! Congrats on your retirement! Do they have a newcomer friends group on your area? I am in one and we don't care how long someone has lived in the area, we're glad they come. We have lots of retired teachers and it's great fun! Love your blog and blog candy!
Have a great day! Joy
Congratulations on your blog's Anniversary! Mine's still a baby :-) I'm a follower.
When retired I intend to keep creating. For me, creating something new every single day is more important than maintaining what already exists.
The candy looks great. I added it to my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win!
Dorly Weitzen, Israel
congrats for the retirement and be happy because now you'll have much time to do other beautifull things!
You are now on my sidebar here:
congrats for the retirement and be happy because now you'll have much time to do other beautifull things!
You are now on my sidebar here:
Congrats for the retirement, Linda!
I'm in, in your lottery! So wonderful candy!I am new follower and added a link to the sidebar http://pishitejulie.blogspot.com/
Thank you so much for the chance to take part!!!
Greetings from Russia,
Congratulations on your retirement! You must be very excited! I have to say if I was retired I probably would do exactly what I am doing, maybe with a little teaching cardmaking mixed in! I will post a link in my sidebar for you! Congrats again.
Congrats on one year!
When I retire I plan to do more volunteer work. Right now I can never commit to anything regular because my work schedule changes a lot.
Congratulations on the retirement. :) I hope to last as long as you, so as to earn my full school employee retirement too.
I think I will be 63 years old by that time (I've only put in 5 years so far so I've got 25 more to go) and with any luck, my sons will be married and starting their families. I can spend time with the grandkids and scrapbooking their photos, and making cards.
Congratulations and congratulations!!!!
If I retired now I would go to more paper craft shows and events, illustrate more stamps, enter more cards in magazines, etc. It would be soooo cool to make a living doing what I love!
True :D
I would come over to your house and scrapbook. Then I'd probably spend too much time looking at haul videos on YouTube. Matt and I are looking forward to celebrating with you at the REA banquet on Saturday!
Thanks for going to my blog, and checking it out! :) So cool to be retiring after so long teaching! Good for you! EVERY teacher deserves all the praise possible and then some!
If I was to retire...hmm. Well, I am a SaHM right now, so I don't want to retire! ;) But if I worked outside the house, WoN THE LOTTERY and then retired (!)I'd travel around a bit and maybe visit my family and friends (and every stamp store I could find! ;-)). Oh and I could have all the CS and DP I want! :P
Thanks for the link on my blog. Adding you into my sidebar and my post tommorrow! Be sure to come by and check it out again! :)
Hey Linda, thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks for the comments too.
Retirement? Oh wow, I had been thinking about that since age 25, LOL! I want to do nothing but scrap, scrap, scrap, make lots of cards and blogging day and night!
I am a follower of your blog now and your blog candy is posted on my side bar. Happy blogaversary!
Congratulations on your blogoversary and the retirement!
I think my first project after retirement would be to finally finish my kids scrapbooks! After that I would attempt to start an herb garden :) I am sure you will not lack for things to do. Enjoy every minute of it!
I have added your link to my blog!
Double Congratulations Linda,
I have gladly put a link in my candy bar for you, and become a follower,
With pleasure I will join your candy! a link to the sidebar http://irincaf.blogspot.com/
After a retirement I would like to travel and be engaged in creativity.
Congrats on your 1 year anniversary! And also congrats on being in the top 3 at Unscripted, super cool!!!
Congrats on your Retirement! God Bless you for teaching all of those years!! My dh and I both come from families full of teachers, and I think it is wonderful that you were able to teach for so many years.
If I could retire, I would stay busy with crafts, but I also would LOVE to travel around to different countries to work with missionaries. That would be so amazing!
I'm a follower, and I posted your candy on my blog sidebar.
I posted your candy to my blog, and I am a follower. Thank you for the nice comments on my blog and inviting me here. If I were to retire I would travel. I have family scattered all over the US and a son in S.Korea. I would love to travel all over visiting each and every one.
Wow Linda, what a celebration!!!! Congrats on the retirement ontop of the blogiversary. Hmmmm, if I was retired (which just about twice a week I dream of doing, but seeing as I'm not 30, it won't happen) I would definitely be crafting up a storm. I might try to be a SU demo too, which I think would be a fabulous little job but fun at the same time!
I'll be sure to spread the word, and congrats again!!!
Congrats Linda. I will post your blog candy on my site. Come visit me and leave me a message
Congratulations on your blogoversary,and happy retirement. Thank you for inviting me to join in on your blog candy. I am happy to play along. I have become a follower of your blog and hope that you will follow mine too: http://creativecardcorner.blogspot.com/ I am always posting something new on there. I worked for 16 years and then retired to become a stay-at-home-Mom. I loved my job, but I love my kids more. I only wish I could have done it sooner. Once I retired, I was introduced to the craft world by a friend, and that is how it all began with me. I do enjoy it, but have learned that there is a time for everything and priorities should be set for family time and other commitments in life along with the crafting. Crafting can become addicting if you let it, so it is hard to realize how much time is being spent on it until other things start getting ignored a little bit too much. Your job as a teacher is to be admired. One of the most important jobs in the world in my opinion, and I thank you for that. Enjoy your retirement, and hope to see you from time to time on the blogs.
Iam definetly going to sign up to your blog.Love you blog happy anniversary.Iam retired I love making cards & looking at all the different blog to see their ideas.
Sorry I don't have a blog.
Jocelan p
Bless your heart for the many years of guiding children! You are completing that phase of your journey a steps before I will. I so look forward to some more crafting time and some volunteer time too! Best wishes and keep making such beautiful cards and I will be returning as a regular follower!
Congratulations Linda on your retirement from teaching! If I retired (and I don't intend to) I would probably spend most of my time with my grandchildren. I get such pleasure in spending time with them. I would like to teach them all the things I've learned in my 58 years on this earth.
As an accountant, I really only work about half the year! I don't know if I could ever totally retire! I have to be doing something all the time. I just found your blog through Leeanne and I will thank her again for this gift! Love the blog, hope you love retirement and I can't wait to see your cards!! Congrats on your blogaversary! I am sure it won't the the last one!
hi Linda, congratulations on your blogaversary! I will become a follower after making this comment. Was checking out some of your earlier posts. Very nice!
If I was retired (which I'm not) I would love to spend more time making cards and scrapbooking. Spending more time with my family would be good too.
Congrats on your Blog~Anniversary & your Retirement! I know how it is about missing your little friends! I work in a school cafeteria & when I miss work, all my little friends always come up to me & tell me that they missed me:) They always make you feel appreciated! Congrats again & GREAT blog candy!:)
Big Hugs,
Congrats on your blog anniversary & retirement! Well I work at a doctor's office as a medical assistance. If I was retired I would love to spend more time crafting and taking some trips. Thanks for the chance to win your candy.
Congrat on retiring and your blogoversary
If I retired I'd spend my time doing whatever I felt like :) Relax, go on nature walks, visit with good friends and craft.
thanks for the chance I've linked and will follow your blog
hugs Nikki
Congratulations on retiring! More time for blogging and creating! Thank you for sharing your creations.
Ilene B.
Hi, I came over from LeAnne's blog to wish you a happy blog-anniversary and to wish you well when you retire. We are semi-retired farmers and I love it. I do alot of gardening as well as crafting. Thanks for a chance to win.
Hi Linda! I love your blog! I am a "resigned" Kindergarten teacher and now a SAHM. In my heart, I will always be a teacher, as will you! Keep up the cute ideas:)
Hi Linda. Thankyou for your sweet comment on my blog.
Congratulations on both your 1 year blog anniversary and on your retirement. I fully understand your reasons for taking it. I too am a teacher but I'm not in the classroom anymore. I have semi-retired, but I am not yet taking my pension. I work part time with schools. This has freed time for me to help and support my Mum more and to craft. When I fully retire I will craft, garden, visit new places and enjoy life.
I have joined as a follower and will post you on my blog. I'd love you to join mine too. Thankyou for inviting me over to look at what you are doing and for the chance of blog candy. I love your work, great cards and ideas.
Good luck with everything.
Take care. LOL Bxxx
If any crafty friends would like my free papers this week come and look at http://bumblebeesandbutterflieswithbrenda.blogspot.com
Congratulations on retirement...now you will have time to do all those things you have always wanted to do! This time is all about you!
I'm in a different situation, I "retired" 8 years ago to stay home with my children. Now my baby is in Kindergarten and I am trying to decide if I really want to get a job outside the home, or just keep on doing what I love...being here for my family!
I'm so happy that LeAnne lead me to your blog. Lots of great stuff here. I'll be putting a link on my blog in just a moment! I have one started, but haven't don much with it. I think I need to get some bling and spend some time on it!
Blessings! Stacy
Hi Linda, congrats on your blogaversary! You are going to love retirement! I love it because I can craft to my hearts content, spend time with my grandchildren, go on holiday during off-peak time and travel whenever I feel like it. It is marvelous!
Thanks offering candy to celebrate. Off to put it in my Candy Lane.
Congrats on your retirement...what an exciting time for you. When I retire, I really want to travel the United States with my husband. There is so much we haven't seen yet that is just waiting to be explored. I'm off to become a follower and add a link to my blog.
Hey there! I don't have a blog, but I follow you here on your site! I like your projects and your style. If I were retired... hmmm, that is MANY years from now... but I would make cards all day long! Wouldn't u? :) ... can you pick me to win? :) *greedy me* but if I do get the CANDY ~yum!~ email me at papercandybyfern@gmail.com ... hugs!
very nice blog candy. Thanks for your comments on my blog. Much appreciated.
I've become a follower, here's the link to my blog post for your candy
and as to retirement which will be in a few years maybe... I would devote a ton of more time to my paper arts and other crafting endeavors. At the moment I only work a 20 hours week, with the rest dedicated to my art, but it's still not enough time to do everything I want.
Thanks for the double opportunity of winning some candy. The punch looks great - I'm into punches.
Congratulations on the Anniversary !
I posted your candy to my blog http://tsky-tsky.blogspot.com/, and I am a follower.
Teachers hold a special place in my heart (my mother teacher)
Congratulations!!! And blessings on your retirement. You will probably become soooooo busy you'll wonder how you ever had time to work. (LeAnne sent me your way and I'm so glad - think I'm going to really enjoy your updates)
congratulations! and thank you for joining over at Isabella's at PCP! enjoy your retirement -what would I do? what I really loved...and wouldn't worry about a timeclock!!! you're going to hit 100 followers in no time! going to post your candy on my blog...happy days to you!!
Congrats on the retirement! I've only been teaching for 6 years but I'm leaving to go back to school (still in education though). It seems like the kids have gotten a million times cuter since I handed in my notice of resignation. Hopefully when I'm back in school I'll have some more time to do my crafts - cards for OWH, sewing, embroidery.
Sorry I don't have a blog, or else I would post about your candy there. But I did become a follower!
Hi Linda! I love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win your candy.
Congrats on the retirement Linda! I am a teacher of 33 years and still love my job (4th grade). I just found your blog and will become a follower. I do scrapbooking classes in my home once a month and also love to make cards. When I retire (not for awhile yet, insurance is killing us here in Montana) I want to do more cardmaking/scrapbooking classes in my home. I hate to travel in the wintertime.
Thanks for the chance, Linda!
Wow, Linda! Congratulations on your 1 year blog Anniversary! How fabulous! And Congratulations on retiring! What an awesome accomplishment and impact you have given your little friends for 30 years. I'm sure you'll be sadly missed. As far as the future, expanding your card making will be fun and exciting. Just think every time you post on your blog regarding your card/project you are possibly teaching someone who maybe hasn't tried what you have done or is brand new to the card making world. How exciting! I'm so happy for you Linda! We'll have to chat more. Share ideas. We are practically neighbors both living in Wisconsin. LOL We'll have to do lunch some day. Good luck with your drawing. Fabulous blog candy!
You are just amazing, where do you find the time.
Congratulations on your future with stamping.
I follow already, but don't think I left a comment. I will also post a link on my blog, to your candy. Congratulations! I would move all of my stamping supplies, and my amazing husband, to Hawaii, if I were retired.
Congratulations on the year and the retirement!!! I can only imagine what I would do- wait I know! I would travel in autumn. Teachers never get to travel in autumn or maybe take a cruise in January oooh I know for sure that I want to go to see the Rose Parade in Pasadena and I could never get back to school in time. Go out for an hour lunch in the middle of the week, or breakfast in the middle of the week. I'd do something like one of those things that I never get to do now. :)
Great blog. Monique is my BFF and I was reading the comments on Everyday cricut so I decided to pop over.
No need to include me in the blog candy.
But I also have blog candy so pop over sometime.
Congratulations on your blog's Anniversary!
About retirement... should it be joy or regret... I was teachiching for several yearsr, so don't know what to say...
Well but now I'm SaHM and cant be retired. :) But if imagine... I'll do such thing on which I hadn't time while working. For example, lern to make glass beads. (it's my drem right now) :)
Thanks for chance to win! The link is on my sidebar: http://yukkie-cards.blogspot.com/.
I have about 30 years left until retireing, but I hope to have a little house where I can have a craftroom and a little garden to tend to! =)
I have blogged about your candy and become a follower! =)
Great blogcandy you're offering! =)
Hugs, Elenor
I'm not making cards, nor fond of candy. All I want to do is say MEOW HELLO to your beautiful Max the Cat!
Sincerely meows from Wikki the swedish blog cat
Huge congrats on your blogaversary!!! And early congrats on your upcoming retirement...how fun to have the opportunity to start a new chapter in your life. What's great about this time is that the possibilities are endless ~ travel, volunteer, relax...after so many years of you giving back to society as a teacher, it's time for you to give back to yourself!
Hugs & Smiles,
Congrats on the blogoversary AND on the retirement Linda! Thanks for stopping by today and for your kind words... I too am a teacher, although I've only been at it for five years now... I can totally look forward to a 30 year retirement though! Only teachers understand the importance of school vacations! :) Hope to see you over at my site again soon!
I made my comment here yesterday, but it is not posted. I hope that I didn't do something wrong.
Congratulations on your retirement.
I am retired and I play some cards, fix jigsaw puzzles, make many greeting cards, read, watch tv, along with many other things.
I will follow you.
I do not have a blog (is that what is wrong?)
Maple Grove, MN.
Whoo Hoo, congrats on retiring!!!
I don't need to retire since I am blessed with not having to work. But I do sit my grandson (3 months old right not) so when I no longer sit him 3 days a week, I will go back to making more than just cards. I love altered media, but it takes much longer than cards, for me anyway.
I am following you now and happy to do my part in getting 100 followers. Looks like you have less than 10 to go now :o)
The candy is great. Don't see to many that have SU items and they are soooooo great!
I am definatley adding you to my side bar under YUMMIES ;o)
Thanks for the chance to win and I'm your follower. Linked it on my sidebar http://bulkabul.blogspot.com/
That sounds just wonderful Linda!! Thanks for the opportunity to win these lovely prizes!! I have become a follower and will post your candy in the sidebar of my blog.
Now as for retirement ... first let me say "congratulations" I'm sure it's the right decision! I retired when we moved here to Akron, OH nearly 7 years ago and believe me when I say I don't know how I kept up with all the work around the house and a full time job too!! Lots more time to play with my card making and meeting wonderful folks like yourself! Enjoy your retirement ... you deserve it!!
Congrats on your retirement and one year blog anniversary!!! I have been bloggin a year also.
I have become a follower and posted your blog candy on my side bar. I have really been wanting that border punch.....thank you for the chance to win.
I'm pretty much semi-retired. I really love being able to spend time making cards almost everyday. It really makes the day go quickly to relax and make cards.
Best of luck on getting your 100 followers Linda! And thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm afollower now mand would appreciate if you would be one for me too! And, actually, I am retired. I took early retirement from a civil service job to raise my kids!
Hey Linda! You now only have 2 more followers to go =). Happy blogaversary and happy retirement!Thanks for doing such a lovely giveaway to celebrate. I'm not sure what I would do if I were retired (i've still got a long way to go unless I won the lottery lol), however I would probably also be focusing on cardmaking! Best wishes and thanks so much =)
Hey I'm over at:
Retirement eh??? hhmm... I would LOVE open a Bed & Breakfast style Scrapbooking retreat place. It's my dream...
Hey Linda :) Congrats on your blog anniversary!! I found you from Vicki's blog (above post). I am following you now and would love to have you follow me as well. I can't wait to reach 100 too!! Too far away to retire but if I could, I would move to my home in Mexico and open up another florist just for the fun of it.
Hi Linda! Congradulations on your retirement! If -when- I get to retire, I want to sail the world with my sweet husband. Of course, our sailboat has to have scraproom!! :) I have become a follower, and don't have a blog...yet!
Happy retirement Linda x When I retire I would like to do more voluntary work x I have popped you on my sidebar x Your candy is brilliant! Thanks for holding the draw x Leigh x
Congratulations on your blog anniversary and may the years ahead be filled with fun, new adventures, joy, and laughter. I am currently a part time preschool teacher, mother of 3 great kids (most of the time) ages 7-15, and wife of one wonderful man. Before kids I was a second grade teacher. I'm many years away from retirement but when I do I want to travel with my husband, volunteer more, and stamp and scrapbook to my heart's content.
Congratulations Linda!
Thank you for the chance to win this awesome candy! Really want to be the lucky winner.
If I get tired - I simply sit opposite to the TV and I fall asleep, or I go to the sea and I listen to music.
Hi Linda ~ Thanks for your kind words on my blog! Had to come check out your celebration here : )
Retirement... My DH just lost his job due to the plant closing, so he is "almost" retired! I still have a job (at home playing with my copics!) I love having the freedom to meet with people and serving the Lord. Life is a continual series of adjustments - I do believe that you will adjust very nicely and enjoy having more time for the creative side of you!
Hoping my name up comes up for the candy...
Love and hugs ~
Hi Linda!
First of all let me thank you for your wonderful words on my blog!
And then...when I retire...that's al long way ahead of me...but when I retire I would love to travel to al different kinds of places and I hope to be stil making cards then.
I am now follower 107! so let the extra draw come! LOL
Of now to tel about your candy on my blog!
Yea for you Linda and retiring! I'm just beginning!!!! Just graduated - Education ECE-6 and am 48 years old! What was I thinking lolol I think I'm follower 108!!!!
~Blessings~ Kelli
congrats!!! Now you will have more time for you paper crafts...I hope you enjoy retirement. Think of all the time you will have to just catch up on you. I became a follower and linked you to my blog!
Congrats on your one year blogoversary Linda and on your retirement. I was a teacher too and have been home with my girls. I miss teaching and hope I can back to it someday. I hope you enjoy your retirement and your card making hobby!!
Thanks for a chance to win!! I have posted your candy on my blog sidebar!!
Hi Linda, firstly many congrats on your blogoversary - time flies when you are having fun doesn't it! Secondly I am soooo jealous of you retiring, I would retire in a heartbeat (and I'm only 42 lol). I think I would like to craft full-time and maybe do some classes etc but generally just not have to rush everything. I will add a link to your candy in my sidebar and have become a follower (111 already *yay*). Have a great week. Hugs, Denise x
retirement??? ok...that's like so far in my future!!! LOL but i'd go with crafting...lots of it...and volunteer work. probably something involving kiddies. :)
i've a follower of your blog...and i've added your candy to my blog sidebar. thanks for the chance! :)
If I were truly able to retire, I'd spend my time still making cards and giving them away! This is a hobby I love doing and also love giving. Congrats on your blogaversary! And for going over 100 followers!
Linda, congratulations on your blogoversary and also teaching for so many years and enjoy your retirement. I've still got 20+ years to go. I make all my cards and sell them to raise funds for different charities but if I retired and funds permitted I'd like to make cards for more charities/the troops in the forces, spend some time learning new techniques either on the web or at classes and spend more time looking at the wonderful creations on other peoples' blogs. I have become and follower and posted a link about your candy on my blog and I hope we'll speak again soon. Best wishes, Kym xxx
Congrats on your retirement and blogaversary! You are offering some wonderful blog candy, thank you for the chance to win it! I am a SAHM so I don't really see retirement in my future! lol ;)
Congratulations Linda!
Oh I think that what I will do when I retire is craft all day and spend a ton of time with my family! Of course right now retirement is so far away I don't know if I will ever be able to get there...sad "sigh". Right now I have way too many student loans to even imagine retiring. Yikes
Anyway...congrats and enjoy your retirement!
I added your candy and a link to my sidebar and I am now a follower!
Natalie M.
Congratulations Linda! Lots to celebrate and thanks for the great offering of blog candy! I am a follower and am posting your candy on my blog happily!!!
Since I basically AM retired for 2 years now... I can tell you it's GREAT! It's when I actually had time to get into serious crafting and when I'm not doing that I'm enjoying my grand kids, or some church related work... it's ALL good... and you will LOVE it!!! You can stay in your jammies as long as you want every day!!! What's not to love? LOL! Enjoy!!!!
Congratulations Linda!
Linked it on my sidebar
I'll relax in retirement, educate their grandchildren. :) But here in Russia are many working pensioners. Low pay, so work prihoditsya.Proshu pardon for bad english:)
Wow! what great candy Linda.You will love your retirement and in a few weeks time you will wonder how you ever had time to go to work!I love stampin up stamps they are cut really well and I love the fact that they come in their own little plastic case which makes them easy to store.
I am already retired due to ill health but crafting is my life-line and I spend most of my days eating, sleeping and thinking about craft(how sad is that)LOL. I have just become a Grandmother and have already made several items for my Grandaughter even though she is only 6 months old. I have made some little bird houses and am in the process of making a door hanger for her room. I cannot wait until she gets older so we can craft together.
Here is the post I entered on my blog http://cottonberrycreations.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-candy.html
Hi linda,
Thanks for youre visite on my blog :)
The blogcandy is great!
Thanks for the chance to win this ;)
Greetings Anneke
Hi Linda
Thank you for the lovely comment you gave me for my card. I have come for a visit and would love the chance to win your candy. Mum will have to help me put a link onto my blog. I have become a follower and thanks for the invitation.
I don't know what I would do when I retire - I haven't even finished school yet!
Hugs Doubletrouble. x
You know it would be papercrafting when I retire!!! But I also quilt and enjoy creating. I do accounting at work so...not much creating there! Congrats and thank you for the chance to win!
I am a follower now too!
Hi Linda
Thank You for stopping by and leaving such a lovely comment. Retiring.. well, I'd pause an extra few minutes minutes to smell the roses (get what I mean;o) Congrats gal! .. bloggin for over a year wow, I hope have enough energy to do the same. I hope you enjoy your retirement and thanks for the chance to win some fab candy xx
Hello! Nice to meet you...
COngratulations for the celebration.
If I retire, I´ll do crafts as much as I can, all day long, I´ll use all the material I'm keeping for "a day" and have fun with my daughter and husband as much as we can together!!!
I'm a follower and put your candy in my sidebar.
When I retire I plan on doing the RV trip across the country...of course taking all my crafting goodies with me! LOL! It will be me crafting across the USA!
Congratulations on your blogaversary & your retirement! If I were retiring..I would papercraft of course & enjoy time with my family more! Live life to the fullest!
Wowie! Congratulations on your year in blogland! You've certainly had a fun journey. I am delighted to "play along" with your candy requirements. Hmmm, what would I do if I were retired? That one is easy because I am retired and I play (in my studio) all day if I want to and most of the time I want to! I'll put your candy on my blog and I wish you good luck in achieving your followers goal.
Hi Linda!
Congrats on your blogaversary & your retirement!
If I were retired I would papercraft a lot and travel for all places that I still don't know!
Greetings from Brazil!
Dani Vellozo
Congratulations on your retirement & happy blogaversary!! I am a substitute teacher & love my job! The kids bring me a lot of joy, so I understand why you will miss them. I would probably like to travel after my husband & I retire, but would also enjoy having more time to do my crafts!!
Hmm... What I do is: I'm a stay-at-home mom and I draw digi stamps.
Thanks for this chance to win!
Found you on MS. Love the waters interpretation. Always love hearing about Israel. Have a blessed day!
EEWWWW! Was I number 100? Was forwarding this to my cardmaking group to get you over the 100 mark. Now you will have many more. We do homebound cards and it will be interesting to see how you will be getting involved with the cardmaking idea. (I can relate to the 30 years being a long time. My oldest son turns 30 today.)
Congrats on the anniversary! I don't have a blog to post your info on but I did become a follower! Retirement? I can't even imagine what that will be like it's so far off, but I imagine I'll be like my in-laws and do lots of volunteer work, spend time with the grandkids (assuming I have some, my children are only 12 ans 11 right now!), travel. Thanks for the chance to win such cute blog candy!!
You will find that after you retire you will not have time to sit back and "do nothing". In fact it will give you a time to become more invovled. Retire while you can still do other things and travel. Please become a follower for me.
Happy Blogoversary! If I were retired, I'm sure I would make even more cards!
ps - I will add your candy to my blog!
Happy blog-anniversary :D
If I were retired I think I would spend much more time scrapbooking and making cards. I would also travel more and I would sign up for some classes and volunteer work :D
I have added this to my sidebar and I'm a follower: http://villyvilhjalms.blogspot.com/
If I were retired I would spend more time on my hobbies, I also would travel more and spend more time reading books and generally spend more time on my self....
I have linked to your blog candy in my blog.
Congratulations on your retirement!I hear from a lot of retired people that they don't know how they had time to work they are so busy! Having fun I hope. Wishing you the best! I don't have a blog.
Ilene B.
Hello Linda,
Thanks for becoming my follower! I immediately took a look at your blog when you mensioned the blog candy *LOL*!!!
Wow, what a great candy. SU is hard to get here in the Netherlands, you'd have to know someone who is a demonstrater outside the country..
So, what will I do when I'm retired?? Hard to say, cause I'm only 30 and retirement is sóóóóó far away!! *wink*wink* I hope that I wont lose my creativity and still will be making cards and such!
For now I hope to win this great candy, I'll spread the word in my sidebar!!
Greetz Alie
When I retire I intend to have lots more pets! I have posted your candy in my side bar.
Congratulations for your blog anniversary and your retirement! Retire??? that means more time to scrap!!! Yohooo!!
Congratulations on your blogoversary and your retirement. I'd like to be able to travel when I retire - I can't imagine wanting to sit still, LOL!!
Wow, how great of you to do a giveaway for 1 year! Looks like you have far exceeded your goal of 100 followers!! Congrats!! Oh, and if I were retired, I would spend time shopping the craft stores, making cards and party projects, volunteering, and the like. I could be sooo busy. With two kids under 5, I have a while to perfect my dream. :)
Hi Linda! Congrats for the retirement and happy blog anniversary. I'm far away (i think so) from the retirement (i'm 19 years old) but i think that if i am retired i will have plenty of time. I will do things for myself(like now) i'll spend more time with my future family(kids, grandchild) and of course i'll make a lot of cards and scrapbooks.
Greeting from Bulgaria
Hi Linda,
Congrats on your blog anniversary!!! You have come so far with your card making career!! I remember when you first started this blog, you were so excited!!! Way to go!!!
If I were to retire, I would spend my days reading and scrapping. I am so jealous of you!!!
Congrats again!!!
Congrats with your retirement and blog anniversery!
If I retired, I think I take first a long vacation. Do a lot of scapbooking, reading books,.... to match to ride down.
Thx for the great candy. I'm become a follower and placed a link in my sidebar.
( april 24 is my husband anniversary)
xxx Chantal
Hi Linda,
This is my first visit to your blog :) Congratulations on your first blog anniversary and your retirement!
Well, I don't think I'll ever stop crafting when I retire, I'll probably try to infect my grandchildren with my crafting flu! :) And I'll probably do lots of travelling too :)
Congratulations on your Reirement nd your Blog Anniversary
Hope you have lots of time for crafting
Agnes x
Congrats with blogoversary! Retirement... - I hope it give your more time to create.
Great candy! I linked it to my sidebar and follow you!
Спасибо за возможность поиграть,ссылка на Вашу конфетку сбоку на панельке http://nenikabekolja-scrap.blogspot.com/
Congrats on the anniversary! If I were to retired, I would continue on my hobby - card making! It's fun to create things with endless ideas online especially thru bloggers like you guys!
Good for you for retiring! I studied to be a teacher, but realized it wasn't for me. You need to be a special person to be a teacher: I raise my hat to you!
When I retire, I am hoping to be able to travel with my husband. Hopefully our finances will allow us to do that.
Thank you so much for the chance to win, I am a follower and I added your candy to my blog.
Have a great weekend!
If I were retired, I would travel more. I know, I know - it's cliche, but oh so true. My Travel Bucket List looks like this: Argentina; Paris, France; Santorini, Greece; and Tahiti.
Congratulations on retiring!
And thank you so much for the chance to win.
Congratulations on your retirement!
If I were retired, I would spend more time with our grandson, more time crafting & read more. :)
Thanks for the chance to win. I am a follower and placed a link in my sidebar. www.stephsscraphappenings.blogspot.com
Congrats on you blog and your upcoming retirement. After working for 40 years I couldn't be happier than I am now that I retired. You set your own schedule, your own pace and spend your day doing something you love...creating.
Staying busy is the keep...and hopefully you'll find your creative side to help you in a new journey.
Will add you to my side bar.
I'm already retired! I am very happy because I still enjoy my young children than before and I work to make crafts such delayed for so long. Equal treatment to be active! Thank you for the opportunity to participate for such a nice prize! I have no blog but if I'm your fan.
Second try! Congratulations on your first year of blogging - it's very enjoyable & informative. As for retirement - it's great! Hard at first to take in that when you get up in the morning you don't have to dash around to get out to work but can sit and enjoy that cup of coffee with reading the paper. Soon though you'll wonder how you fitted in work with everything else you take on and increasing your craft time and time with friends. It'll be fun! Keep blogging - I enjoy reading it especially as I don't have one of my own.
Well, congratulations on your retirement soon! Teachers are SPECIAL people! When I retire, I would like to live on the beach somewhere and spend my days scrapbooking instead of having to make time for it like I do now. LOL
Congratulations on your blog anniversary and congratulations on your retirement! You will probably wonder after retirement how you EVER had time to work!!! :)
I have a small farm with 4 horses, two dogs and a garden I help my Dad with. There is also lots of mowing! :)
My husband has a consulting business that I help in as well; so my days and nights are busy, somehow I find time to spend stamping but not as much as I would like!
I am always willing to help a creative sistah get followers so I have joined your group of followers and posted your candy, again, congratulations!!
rppeumryvemwgkynmsbn, http://yahooscanner.net yahoo scanner, XxguYTi.
Wow. 30 years of work and then retirement. It's quite amazing nowadays, don't you think? With the internet, you can continue to be active, albeit in a different way.
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