Well if you have noticed something new on my side bar then you know my news. I have been chosen to be a DT at SPCC. I am so tickled and honored to be on this wonderful team. SPCC stands for Scrapmaster's Paradise Color Combos. SPCC Challenges are posted every Monday. They've got a lot going on there every week so be sure to click the button on my side bar to see the current SPCC challenge. Challenge submissions are due on the following Monday. A winner and SP Top Five will be posted the next Tuesday. AND did I mention each week, there will be amazing prizes to be won?? These are the colors for July 5th.

I am waiting for an order from US. I hope it comes so I have the colors for Monday. It is not a requirment to use SU but I just like to use the exact colors. That is just me being a little OC. I love the new colors. Isn't that Cajun Craze wonderful. Be sure to check back Monday to see if I have my first card posted.
Don't forget to stop by tomorrow to see my Stamp, Scrap, and Doodle card. It was a fun one.
Thanks for stopping,

Congrats! Thanks for the welcome back Linda! I see we are both teachers! I am looking forward to working with you and seeing more of your amazing work!
Scrappy Love,
oh how fabulous!!! one of my fav challenges too! wooo hooo
Congratulations! I hope I have time to play!
So happy to work with you on the SPCC team. I also have a fat cat named "Melodie". And I'm a teacher - 7th grade Lang. Arts. Glad to meet a fellow cat lover & teacher :)
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