This is so amazing. I am not getting anything done because I can't stop watching.
It is a UStream live of an eagle with 3 eggs. A friend said they might hatch tomorrow. The camera zooms in and out. It is so amazing.
Check it out here.
These are pictures I took of my screen. If you have a Mac did you know all you have to do is shift command 3 it takes a picture of your screen? It is cool.
If you watch please leave a comment I what to know what you think. It is so amazing.
Thanks for stopping,

Hi Linda
Love your blog and beautiful creations!!
The eagle watch is awesome, they are such amazing creatures!!
Karen x
Thanks for this link----it has been wonderful to see. My sister and SIL both saw eagles yesterday---and they don't even live close to each other!
Amazing!!! I love the way the eagle mother watches in the second foto!!!
I love to watch, something you would never get close to in real life. Thanks for reminding me! A site I enjoy with LOTS of webcam links is It's just a lot of fun.
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