My Creative Time Throwback Thursday
This should be a quick post. I really wanted to get this posted for Emma's Throwback Thursday challenge. The challenge is a food theme and to use the cartridge From My Kitchen Cricut cartridge. Last Thursday I picked up half of a lamb I ordered. I need to get some recipes for cooking lamb. This is the first time I have every had lamb to cook. When I was little my grandmother made it for me and I loved it. I order lamb chops when I go out to eat if it is on the menu. I am pretty excited about having my own to cook. Sooooo I decided to make a Lamb Recipe book. Right now I just have page protectors and tab pages inside. I used my Cinch by We R Memory Keepers to bind it all. The protector sheets are from CTMH. The part that is sticking out is the open part so I can slide in the recipes as I find them. The cover and last page are sealed with the open edge is in the binding. I used From My Kitchen cartridge for all the cuts. I love the tabs. Now I am off to find Lamb Recipes for my book. If you have one I would love to try it. Thanks for stopping,
This turned out really adorable :)
O M G!!! Linda, this is AMAZING!!! WOW, I just LOVE everything about it!!!
Very cute, but you are the only person I know that likes lamb!!!! You can have all my lifetime supply! You are always so creative with your cartridges and such---I am stuck in a card rut!
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