I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I sure did. Both my sons made it home. I cooked a dinner for them on Thursday and then another Thanksgiving dinner on Friday for my in-laws. We took it to them. They just were not up to doing it on Thursday.
I also went to Walmart for the deal on the Cricut Lite Cartridges. I didn't know it wasn't all the cartridges. So I had Hoot and Holler and Live Simply in my cart at 11:45 when I saw the display which was empty already 15 min before it was suppose to be opened. I though what do I have to loose. I stood in the long line and the very wonderful checker, who happened to be a manager let me have my two for the $20. Wasn't that nice? I really feel like I like Walmart now. I sometime have a love/hate relationship with WM. They have been very good about working with me. I know I was lucky to get the manager and a wonderful deal.
Now for the winner. Sorry for taking so long. I put all 102 names in a bowl and I had my husband pick the winner.
AND...The winner is Annel
Annel said...
What a great idea...I am now a new follower too.
Annel I will contact you for your address. Then I will be sending Samantha you address and she will mail you your set of stamps.
Congratulation and thanks to everyone who join in the hop.
The winner of the Custom Crop gift card will be announced sometime this weekend.
Thanks for stopping,

WOW Thank you I have never won anything online this is SO cool! I only have a few stamps So now I will get to try some new art!
Thanks Again
Congrats on your new carts :)
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