Wow, Caryl from Stamps and Stitches has honored me with this award. The Lemonade Stand Award is given to bloggers who show great attitude and gratitude. Thanks Caryl!
Now I’ll pass it on to some others who visit me and show great attitude and gratitude.
Stef H at Glitterbabe Greetings -
Lorraine at Coldwaters2 http://coldwaters2.blogspot.com/
Danni at Danni’s Dreams
Jacqui at Cat Whiskers
Debbie at Passion for Crafts
Lora at Lora's Cards
I would nominate Caryl, but Stacey from Stacey’s Stamping Stage already did!
Go check out all of theses ladies blogs, they all have great ideas and great blogs!
The rules of the award (To pick up the Lemonade Stand Award):
- Comment on this blog.- Cut and paste the award logo and use it in your own blog.
- Nominate 5 to 10 blogs you feel show great attitude and gratitude.
- Link to your nominees within your blog post.
- Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award.
- Link back to the person who gave you the award to show your appreciation.
Aww, thank you so much!! I don't display awards on my blog anymore but I so appreciate the thought! Thank you!
Wow Linda thank you so much for nominating me for this award its lovely and will show it on my blog with pride. I think by now you know how much I love visiting your blog to see the wonderful ideas and creations you make. Thank you once again.
Lorraine x
You are so sweet and very deserving of this award. Thank you for passing it to me.
Linda I have left something for you on my blog
Lorraine x
Congrats on your award-thanks for stopping by-I have really been enjoying looking through your blog! Aren't the one a days sooo awesome! It is like christmas every morning-I am so glad I got in on it!!! I have a challenge for using 2 or more Squigglefly images on a card-it ends may 17th-would love for you to join it-there is a drawing for one winner at the end! : ) (and I know you have lots of awesome SQuigglefly images to work with!!) See my blog for details.
Thank you so much!
Sorry it took me a while to come collect it, I haven't been online much this last few days and just read the comment you left on my blog just now.
Well done for getting the award yourself, you really deserve it :)
I will go put it on my blog sidebar just now but will have to think first who to pass it on to, then will write a post too :)
Lora xx
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